Different schools ascribe importance to the presence and strength of many different 'stars', ranging from 18 to dozens, often including interactions and transformations between these stars. However, 14 "major" stars are used consistently across different lineages:
- Zi Wei 紫微 (The Emperor Star or The Purple Star): associated with Yin Earth, the leader – organizator, the senior, the monarch, stable development, benevolence, neutrality, wisdom, obligations, human society, power, position, material wealth, the capacity of healing and rescuing.
- Tian Ji 天機 (The Smart Star or Heavenly Secret): associated with Yin Wood, the assistant, the strategist, the clerk, siblings, intelligence, strategy, manipulation, goodness.
- Tai Yang 太陽 (The Sun): associated with Yang Fire, the leader of men, the senior, the male (father-husband-son), the mass, mass development, masculine characteristics, directness, vision, self-sacrifice, universal love, ideal, nature, power, fame, the capacity of giving.
- Wu Qu 武曲 (The Finance Star): associated with Yin Metal, the assistant, the short term planner, the merchant, the worker, the lonely, craftiness, inner strength, caution, rigidity, decisiveness, wealth, industry.
- Tian Fu 天府 (The Treasury Star): associated with Yang Earth, the senior, the monarch or high official, background leadership, stability, benevolence, conservativeness, human society, material wealth, position, power, the capacity of consolidating.
- Tian Tong 天同 (The Caring Star): associated with Yang Water, the junior, mercuriality, natural kindness, pleasure, laziness, good fortune
- Lian Zhen 廉貞 (The Upright Star): associated with Yin Fire, the virgin, the judge, the lawyer, the witch, the courtesan, strictness, chastity, wickedness, double-facedness, prison, harem, justice, abominable accidents, punishment, love, humour, poverty
- Tai Yin 太陰 (The Moon): associated with Yin Water, the female or feminine leader, the manipulator, the senior, the female (mother-wife-daughter), inner or passive development, retrospective development, feminine characteristics, subtlety, feminine or maternal love, maternal sacrifice, selfishness, extravagance, ideal, arts, nature, material wealth, real estate, cleanness, the capacity of receiving and spending.
- Tan Lang 貪狼 (The Flirting Star): associated with Yang Wood and Yin Water, the hunter, extravagant people, the priest, sex, deviousness, libido, selfish desires, riskiness, prison
- Ju Men 巨門 (The Gloomy Star): associated with Yin Water, the lawyer, the parliament, singers, quarrel, betrayal, notoriety, frankness, secret, bad luck, prison
- Tian Xiang 天相 (The Minister Star): associated with Yang Water, the high-ranked assistant, delegates or representatives, high offices, benevolence, generosity, stability, loyalty
- Tian Liang 天梁 (The Blessing Star): associated with Yang Earth and Yang Wood, the teacher, the scholar, the rules, benevolence, generosity, toleration, forgiveness, education, wisdom
- Qi Sha 七殺 (The Power Star): associated with Yin Metal and Yang Fire, the military leader, quick temper, heroicism, directness, pain and labour, danger, loyalty, exception
- Po Jun 破軍 (The Ruinous Star): associated with Yin Water, military leaders, betrayal, craftiness, waste, destruction, changes
Ref. from wikipedia